Weekend Musing: Less, More and Mozart

These slipped in over the transom in the last days here in Helsinki, and while some of you will be well on top of all three let me take the risk and share them with those  who may not have spotted them  for your weekend reading, listening and musing pleasure .


A personal policy that all email responses regardless of recipient or subject will be five sentences or less. It’s that simple. (Easy to say, but to my mind it is the thought not the exact arithmetic all the time that counts. again. You will find it at http://five.sentenc.es/.)


Someone kindly sent me this as a screen saver. I have had to look at it when booting up for a number of days to start to take it really to heart. You  can see me trying hard over there bottom right.

* Click drawing for full size graphic

3.  ONE MINUTE MOZART51 seconds actually which you can find at http://youtu.be/jYLr_uqfcLs.  (Anyone hear Scarlatti in the first measures?)

From the early Spring snows of Helsinki, may you have a warm and focused weekend.

Eric Britton

PS. And while you’re at it, think about equity as a metric for a great and creative society. There is really something there. I promise.

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